
Saturday, April 21, 2012

PROPHECY WEEKLY UPDATE: "Joseph Chambers" Saturday April 21 2012 Nisan 29, 5772

Paw Creek Ministries

Paw Creek Ministries is Committed to the Full Gospel!

Rapture Readiness, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ, End Time information, exposing False Prophets and Prophetesses, identifying the One World Church, the Antichrist, and defending the infallible King James Bible are key subjects of this website. We want to help you be a “Salty Saint,” be healthy by providing good vitamins and nutrients, and to be a light of Jesus Christ in this sin-cursed world. Our “LIVE” Radio Broadcast, Open Bible Dialogue, keeps you up-to-date on End Times news.

Biblical Sanctuary Sermons!!

That I may Know Him!

God Loves His Prodigal Sons

Forgiveness: The Bible is Full of Forgiveness

Jesus Christ: The Only Way to Heaven

How to Know You Will Miss the Great Tribulation

Satan’s Defeat: From Heaven’s Point of View

The Straight Gate to the Holy City

Where the Healing Waters Flow

Making God Big!

Planted in the House of God

Here is our new PNA series called “John The Revelator Saw….”

We expect to have about 50 of these exciting visions that John was shown by the Holy Spirit!

…Saw the Rapture like a drama

…Saw the Saints at the Marriage Supper

…Saw the drama of our present church world

…Saw repentant sinners dying like flies

…Saw the city of Celestial Bliss

…Saw a beast of a god worshiped by the world

…Saw the Shekinah Glory of Jesus Christ

…Saw the Nature of the Antichrist

…Saw Jesus Christ crowned King of Kings

…Saw the Title Deed of this earth

…Saw the Beastly “Assyrian Antichrist”

…Saw the weather patterns gone berserk”

Keep checking back here for the latest of these articles.

Important Articles For You To Read

*Things every Christian should know and understand*

Allah is not Jehovah God!

The Psalmist David: 1,000 years before the manger

Nine reasons Why the Rapture Will Preceed the Great Tribulation

The Fiery Furnace Epiphany

The Whore and Her Children

The Copper Scrolls: Temple Treasures

Signs in the Sun and the Moon

The Miracle of Multiplication

War in Heaven: Satan Cast Out

666: Born Again to Satan

Romance Religious Music




Ronald Reagan Tribute Video

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Nebuchadnezzar - The Head of Gold

Nebuchadnezzar – The Head of Gold (pictured left) is the first in The Battle of the Gods series. While this novel illuminates history, it is far more than a historical novel. The romance of Nebuchadnezzar with Amytis his queen is exquisite and engaging. His relationship to the representatives of the gods is just as intriguing and breathtaking. There is great history in the story, but it is full of the present in its many movements.This novel takes us from the Garden of Eden, where Nebuchadnezzar was born, to the greatest palace ever built. It passes through a love affair with the princess of Mede until he builds for her the “Hanging Garden of Amytis.”

Nebuchadnezzar The Head of Gold & The Masterpiece

Click here to order your copy of Nebuchadnezzar – The Head of Gold today!

Click here to order your copy of The Masterpiece


Get both books for the low price of $30.95!

Dramatic and Insightful!
Dr. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the Left Behind and Babylon Rising series

Dr. Joseph Chambers has written a delightful historical fiction of Nebuchadnezzar. While tracing his tumultuous reign and that of his predecessor in dramatic recreation, he artfully weaves into these events the demonstration of God�s presence among His captive people in Babylon. In this emotionally stirring, yet accurately recounted tale of one of the pivotal epochs in the divine plan, we see how God alike governs the lives of pagans, potentates, and prophets, ever reserving for Himself a witness in a foreign land. One cannot read this novel without experiencing a greater appreciation of the hand of God in history.
Dr. Randall Price, Ph.D. – Executive Director Center for Judaic Studies, Liberty University

An adventurous novel of romance, religion, politics and tragedy. Such a mix always makes for a great read. The narrative reveals a softer, gentler side of Nebuchadnezzar which adds luster to the story. Thank you Dr. Chambers for a different approach to The Head of Gold and the glorious kingdom of Babylon.
Joey Yeatts

I finished your book….I could hardly put it down…Jamey Green

The Masterpiece

The Masterpiece: (pictured right) The Book of Revelation is a storybook. It takes the reader from the scene of Christ’s glory as the Father’s High Priest in his heavenly temple to the final temple called “New Jerusalem” where His Bride will dwell eternally with Him. The Book of Revelation is the “masterpiece” of all Biblical stories. It begins with His glory and ends with His saints’ glory. At the beginning of this story, He walks in the midst of His church, but in the end, His church walks in the midst of New Jerusalem, the most spectacular city ever dreamed of. This storybook is “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,” the complete unveiling of all His glory. The very first chapter gives forty-one references to the Son of God.

Most Recent Broadcast


Armageddon: Satan and the Lake of Fire

ARMAGEDDON IS ETCHED IN THE MIND OF OUR WORLD. THE SAME IS TRUE WITH THE MARK OF THE BEAST, “666″!!! A multitude, maybe 80% of the world do not believe what’s in the Book of Revelation but these two terms are still recognized. If there is a secular proof that the End Times Events I talk much about are going to happen it is while the world says they do not believe them, they still cannot forget them. The final judgment of Lucifer will be an awesome moment for this planet Earth. Every disease, sin and destructive power is clearly tied to Satan. He is the cause of all pain, every broken life, broken homes, and every tear of sorrow. His kingdom of fallen angels and fallen men and women is an unnumbered multitude and they are scary to consider. All of this comes to an end as we consider “The Battle of Armageddon”. This Battle is the beginning of the end. Like all the many events of the “Great Tribulation,” the end of the “Unholy Trinity” included several decisive defeats. He and his Antichrist loses his capitol city of Babylon. He is utterly defeated in the Battle of Armageddon and then cast into the “Bottomless Pit” beneath hell. That’s still not the end because his final judgment is “The Lake of Fire.” He will suffer calamity and sorrow for his dark deeds forever. The fight in the spiritual realm at this moment is nothing but Satan’s fear of what he has coming to him. Imagine what he knows he is about to lose. He is the god of this world but he’s sure to know it is not much longer. His Antichrist will exalt Satan but only for a season. All the multitude that he has learned to love being worshiped by are soon to scorn him to the pit of hell. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms. (Isaiah 14-12,16) He will be mocked, hated and attacked by his fellow demons and then laughed at by every angel he deceived. Saints, listen to me, we will all attend his trial and present the evidence of his lies and hatred. WHAT A DAY WE ARE SOON TO CELEBRATE! We will watch him, that old Dragon, as he is cast into the Lake Of fire.

NEXT WEEK WE START A NEW SERIES ENTITLED, “THE MAJESTIC MILLENNIAL KINGDOM”. You can order the series just concluded. There are 13 CDs in an album. The title was “THE SEVEN YEARS OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION”. (49.95) There are three free CDs in this album. A SPECIAL BOOKLET ENTITLED, “THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION” IS MY GIFT TO EVERYONE THAT ASK. Call 1 800 338 7884 or E-mail us at



Sanctuary Sermons



Nothing grieves our Heavenly Father like the prodigals who have gone astray. The Father never forgets them until death claims their soul. One of the sad facts that often destroys the backslider is the blindness they experience. Most backsliders will not admit their condition. Usually they can find someone to blame and that makes them even more locked in their imagination. The story of the Prodigal Son is one of Christ’s greatest examples. Several factors played a part of the “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” (Luke 15:13) He left his father’s house of plenty but was soon in desperate want. “And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.” (Luke 15:16) He had to see his insanity before he could start for home.“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” (Luke 15:17) The father was waiting for him even though it had been a long time.“And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) This is such a grand picture of the welcome a fallen believer can expect. You are not hated even though it has been a long time and you are now a mess. The Father is waiting even as you read. “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.” (James 5:7) You will hear the DAVY BOGGS FAMILY singing one of my favorite songs,“THE SWEET HOLY GHOST”at the introduction to this Sermon. Then our singers from Paw Creek will bless you before the WORD.

Comments are welcome at Click here to listen to additional sermon archives beginning in 2004!

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Prophecy Highlights

The Dake’s Bible: Hagin’s and Copeland’s Doctrines

The Dake’s Bible was the foundation of many Kenneth Hagin’s and Kenneth Copeland’s heresies. You cannot call most of his key writings anything less than heresy. He begins his commentary on the New Testament by declaring with an unequivocal statement that Jesus Christ was not the Anointed Son of God until He was baptized by John the Baptist at 30 years of age. His full statement direct from his commentary will be stated below but to set the record as we begin, he stated, “who became the Christ or the “Anointed one” 30 years after he was born of Mary.” That statement leaves no room for doubting what Dake means and it is false and damning to the soul. Jesus Christ said of Himself “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8) He was conceived of the Holy Ghost and born of a virgin. There was no sin nature in Him. John stated, And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us….”(John 1:14a)At twelve years of age he confounded the Learned at the Temple in Jerusalem by allowing the Words of His Divine nature to flow out of Him. Add to the above fallacy his Mormon idea of the Heavenly Father and his declaration that the Ten Commandments were completely “Abolished” and you have “Modern Christianity” that is totally bankrupt. No wonder a multitude of Pentecostals have lost their way. The Dake’s Bible penetrated the Pentecostal churches 40 – 50 years ago. Benny Hinn declared from his former pulpit in Florida that there were nine (9) persons in the Divine Trinity. When he was corrected for his mis-statement he sighted the Dake’s Bible as his source. Imagine a man so known by the church world saying that there were three persons in the Father, three in the Son and three in the Holy Ghost. You will see this source in Dake’s Commentary futher down in this article.

Salty Saints


THIS IS A BIBLE STUDY TO COMFORT THOSE TROUBLED BY THE PRESENT RADIO SERIES, ENTITLED,”THE SEVEN YEARS OF HELL ON EARTH.” THE RAPTURE WILL, WITHOUT GUESTION, OCCUR BEFORE THOSE SEVEN HORRIBLE YEARS. If you do not believe in the PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE there is no comfort for you.” If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” (1Cor. 15:19)Our COMFORT is in His eternal presence.

Things you will learn in this study:

1. The Book of Genesis is absolute and literal.

2. The Ark and the flood was a model picture of the Pre-tribulation Rapture.

3. The judgment of Sodom and Gomarrah was also a type of the Rapture.

4. The daily tribulation we presently endure and the Great Tribulation are totally difference.

5. God’s saints are loved and never made to suffer wrath with the wicked.

6. Jesus came to save and deliver His Church from the final wrath and judgment.

7. How could Jesus take His saints for His Bride after His wrath has bashed the life out of them.

8. The Rapture of the saints before the “HELL ON EARTH” is bedrock truth.

Guest Speakers / Paw Creek Visiting Ministers
Paw Creek Ministries welcomes you to visit our regular services and/or special events. We will do our very best to bring you the best sermons from the best preachers. Please call our office for contact information.

Pastor Dewayne Watson

A Foot Race of Love

Pastor Joey Yeatts

God Is Holy

Pastor Michael Switzer

Your Response to the Rhetoric

Book Store Highlights

Standing Our Ground Against Satan


Eight “Live” Open Bible Dialogue broadcasts is dedicated to understanding UNCLEAN SPIRITS and the right of every Christian to defeat them.
Jesus said that we had to “bind the strong man” (Matthew 12:29).

Subjects include:

  • We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
  • Jesus Has Totally Defeated Satan
  • The Devil Can Do Nothing Unless We Allow It
  • There Are a Multitude of Vexed Souls
  • Unclean Spirits Can Cripple Human Bodies
  • Drugs, Alcohol, Unclean Habits are Caused by Unclean Spirits
  • Casting Out Satan Requires Godly Saints
  • The Antichrist Kingdom Will Be His Final Fling

Available NOW ON DVD, CD, or Cassette!

Click here for more information!

Prophetic News Alert
Paw Creek Ministries publishes a regular bulletin for all of our financial partners. Watch this section for highlights from recent mailings.
  • Satan’s Choice for an American President – Most Americans seem to have forgotten that there is an invisible war between right and wrong and between righteousness and evil. This hidden war may be unseen in it’s behind the scene stages, but will always be visible in the end. Satan has been the master of destruction from the beginning of man’s six thousand years. For a long time, Satan has had America in his sight for destruction.

Click Here for previous Prophetic News Alert bulletins!

The Seven Years of the Great Tribulation
Watch this new section of the Paw Creek Ministries website for interesting articles and fascinating revelations about this “Seven Years of Darkness” that you will Never Forget!
  • Hell is Rehearsing for Armageddon – It is a mistake if we fail to see that this battle actually represents the entire period that prepares the world for the concluding act of God’s judgment.
  • The End of the World – There cannot be a Biblical New World Order and the glorious kingdom of Jesus Christ until the present order comes to an end.
  • Jerusalem: The Eternal City – There is no place on earth both loved and hated as is the city of Jerusalem and the surrounding land promised to Abraham.
  • Delivered from the Wrath to Come – The distinction between tribulation in general and what Jesus calls the Great Tribulation is extremely important.
  • The Restrainer in His Church – The Biblical picture of the Holy Ghost clearly identifies Him as the restrainer of evil, as that divine member of the Godhead that pushes back the darkness, raises up God’s standard and holds evil at bay.
  • When The Restrainer Is Gone – Can you imagine our present society suddenly free of all moral restraints?
False Teacher Alert
Paw Creek Ministries has created a collection of short video clips, so that you can SEE FOR YOURSELF, the false teaching of God’s Word in churches around America today! Please select a title from the choices below and press the blue “Play” button on the video player. Then sit back and prepare to be outraged at the blasphemy of the Holy Word.
Church News That Overwhelms!
Every form of compromise and apostasy is invading the church world and Godly people must be informed. Don’t miss these latest articles – Be prepared to be shocked and OVERWHELMED! Fistgate: Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar’s 2000 Conference Promoted ‘Fisting’ to 14 Year-Olds CLICK HERE to view previous articles submitted to “Church News That Overwhelms!”
Music That Moves the Spirit
Great anointed singing is certainly the language of the spirit. God created music to aid in bringing us into His presence.

The Old Ship of Zion
by Jimmy Mathis

You Better Get Ready To Go
by Jimmy & Rita Mathis

Tool For The Task
by Joseph Ganze

Who Am I?
by Joseph Ganze

Live Stream

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