
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

LAST GENERATION "Good News" EVENING FEATURED DEVOTIONAL#21 Tuesday April 24 2012 Iyar 2, 5772

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It's my desire to "simply teach the Bible simply" and thus in this daily devotional, you will normally find a Scripture, and then a simple explanation of that Scripture, along with some practical application, and promises from the Lord... and a prayer for the Lord to use His Word to bring forth fruit in our lives. I welcome your comments, and would love to share them with others and be encouraged with you. Also, you will generally find a short 1/ 1/2 minute video.

Pastor Bob Grenier

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pastor bob grenier
It's my desire to "simply teach the Bible simply" and thus in this daily devotional, you will normally find a Scripture, and then a simple explanation of that Scripture, along with some practical application, and promises from the Lord... and a prayer for the Lord to use His Word to bring forth fruit in our lives. I welcome your comments, and would love to share them with others and be encouraged with you. Also, you will generally find a short 1/ 1/2 minute video. Pastor Bob Grenier
  • For I will set my eyes on them for good. Jeremiah 24:6
    When the Lord said what He said through Jeremiah to Judah, ( see above in the title ) it was at a point when they would be taken into captivity by Babylon.

    So, from the people's perspective, they were in a very difficult and horrible situation. Imagine being taken out of your own land by an enemy, and being relocated in a strange land. Hard to imagine.

    But, there they were in this situation and the Lord is saying, "I will set my eyes on them for good etc. "

    The next few verses in Jeremiah 24 detail what the Lord would do for them.

    One of those is, giving them a heart to know Him.

    We do know from the NT, that God is always working all things according to His own will. Eph 1:10-11, and that He is working all those things together for our good. Rom 8:28

    In other words, God is always with us, carrying out His plan, even in the darkest moments, the most difficult times, the times when we wonder where God is, and think that He has given up on us, etc, etc.

    During those times God is doing what He always does. Which is to carry out His plans in our lives
    Our God is faithful. He always does what He says He will do without fail

    He never says anything that He does not intend to do, and eventually does do,

    So, today, may the Lord fill you with His comfort. He intends to do good to you, and for you.
    It's a work He does in your heart, and it is centralized in your knowing Him.

    You are His people. In Jeremiah 24 He repeatedly uses the term "My people" That's how He regards you. You are His

    Blessings to you today from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Calvary Chapel Visalia
  • Revelation 18:5-8 About God's Judgement on Commercial Babylon
    In explaining the judgment of God upon Babylon, ( commercial Babylon ) sins and iniquities are mentioned.

    Two things are said.....

    1. For her sins have reached to heaven.
    2. And God has remembered her iniquities.

    These two things describe the earth in the very last part of the 7 year tribulation period. These two things are clear and understandable.

    The earth will be covered with sin if you will during the tribulation period, ( except for those who come to faith and are saved ) but, for the most part sin, darkness and evil will cloud and envelope the earth. Reaching up to heaven, that is, stacking up as it were and going all the way to heaven so to speak. And remembered by God or in His mind.

    Also, we are told about the way the judgement will take place.

    1. Render to her just as she rendered to you.
    2. And repay double according to her works.
    3. In the cup she has mixed, mix double for her.
    4. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously.
    5. In the same measure give her torment and sorrow.
    6. For she says in her heart, I sit as a queen and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.
    7. Therefore her plagues will come in one day.
    8. Death and mourning and famine.
    9. And she will be utterly burned with fire.
    10. For strong is the Lord God who judges her.

    In reflection upon the above description, it's unmistakably clear that God will repay, and will repay double if you will.

    This is something we see in the OT as well. God's long-suffering is very long, and very patient. But, if after a very long period of time, where people continue in their stubbornness and rebellious attitude towards the Lord, then this double payment principle comes into play.

    Judgement will be rendered to the earth by and from God. Just as the earth ( the people of earth have done ) so, God will do back to them. Rendered and repaid in double. Judgement that is mixed double for her is how it's put.

    Measure for measure. And, the fact of man's prideful rebellion against God is mentioned in Rev 18.
    Man will be sure during this time that no trouble will come to them. This has been the pattern also in the OT with those who refused God's prophets and simply would not relent of their ways.

    Finally, it's stated that the plaques will come suddenly, in "one day" Death, mourning and famine will come upon the earth

    The reason for this is, "for strong is the Lord God who judges her"
    God has the power to do this. And He will.

    What terrible days are coming to the earth. Whatever trouble we see now, is nothing compared to what is coming.

    The day we live in, is the day of salvation. Now is the time for people to be saved, and now is the time for believers in Jesus Christ to be available to God to be used by Him.

    I pray that today, the Lord might use us in some way to communicate Jesus Christ to someone, or to some group of people.

    May God open the doors for this to happen, and may it happen day by day.

    Lord we know You want to minister to people, and we want to be vessels through whom You can minister. Make it so Lord.

    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Calvary Chapel Visalia

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  • Looks like the weather will hold for a day of golf with my son and I. Rev 17 tomorrow morning, and outreach concert @ 6:00, Lord save souls
    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Saturday, 14 April 2012 14:26
  • The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; And he who has My word, let him speak My word faithfully"
    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Friday, 13 April 2012 21:18
  • Lord, take my heart, and put Your way and will into it. I desire to do Your will. You are the potter, I am the clay. Have Your way Lord .
    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Friday, 13 April 2012 15:23
  • Let's ask the Lord to open a door today, for each of us to share Christ in a meaningful life changing way. In Jesus name, amen.
    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Monday, 09 April 2012 14:19
  • The Lord is so good and faithful to us. Along with you , I praise His name. We are on our way to heaven. Promised safe arrival.
    Pastor Bob Grenier
    Friday, 06 April 2012 15:56

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