
Monday, August 29, 2011

Prophecy R&D: (WND Tabloid) NewsBites "Is Google evil?" -August 29 2011-

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Is Google evil?

Get the book that blows the whistle on search engine’s morality

Posted: August 26, 2011
9:09 pm Eastern

© 2011 WND


Although Google's long-time corporate motto is "Don't be evil," the search-engine giant isn't exactly living up to its basic standard, explains WND founder Joseph Farah in his blockbuster book "Stop the Presses!," which availabletoday only,autographed by the author, for only $4.95– a whopping $21 discount.

"Stop the Presses!" is the story of the revolutionary "New Media" challenge to the multinational corporate press establishment posed by a handful of radical visionaries from the perspective of one of them – the founder of the oldest and largest independent news source on the Internet,

Farah tells his story, a former top newspaper executive who decided to use the new medium of the Internet in a Quixotic bid to revitalize the institution of the press in America.

"Back in 1997, I threw my lot in with the Internet," he writes. "I saw in this new medium the chance to reinvent the American news media, to reform it, to do the job right, to recapture the spirit and purpose and ideals of the free press, to utilize the new technology to reinvigorate and revitalize the role of the free press as a guardian of liberty, an exponent of truth and justice, an uncompromising disseminator of news."

To Farah, that meant redefining – or at least recalling – the historic, unique and still-vital mission of the American press.

"What is the purpose of a free press in a free society?" he asks. "Had I asked that question of the grizzled, veteran newsmen I knew when I began my professional career in newspapers 30 years ago, I believe many of them could have answered the question correctly. And, yes, there is a correct answer. Just one."

The central role of a free press in a free society, he explains, is to serve as a watchdog on government and other powerful institutions. It is to champion the little guy, the underdog – to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

"That's why the founding fathers of this great nation included in the First Amendment special protections for the free press," he writes. "They understood the vital role the free flow of information plays in an open, self-governing society."

Somewhere along the way, Farah says, the establishment press lost its vision, its focus, its way. It no longer comprehended its mission, let alone performed its duty.

"As the nation grew and power became more concentrated in Washington, the free press acted less like a vigilant watchdog and more often like a lapdog of government," he writes. "I saw this happen in my lifetime. I witnessed it close up and personal."

With the recognition of this fundamental flaw in the institution of the press – this betrayal of principle – Farah set out to correct the course of his industry. He knew criticism wouldn't work – only doing the job right and leading by example would have a chance for success.

"This is my story," he writes. "It's a drama that is still playing out. But the handwriting is on the wall for the Old Media. The revolution is under way. It's a development as big as the invention of the printing press was in Gutenberg's day. It is a story that is impacting the lives of everyone around the world. It is shaking the very foundations of the power-hungry elitists who want to control the flow of information and thus control the people."

Yes! Jesus is Coming! 

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