
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Prophecy R&D: ("Bible Prophecy Blog" Political/Tabloid) "Michele Bachmann" -August 20 2011-

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Pray for Michele Bachmann | Bible Prophecy Blog

Gary KahBy Gary Kah 
Hope for the World


The Lord has placed a couple of friends in our lives who are personally very close to the Bachmann family. They have both communicated to us that Michele – who recently announced her candidacy for US President – is a very solid Christian with a strong personal walk with the Lord. Over the past few years, we have observed Michele as she has eloquently stated her positions – sometimes even commenting on the fulfillment of certain Bible prophecies and the warnings of Scripture to our generation. We have admired her courage and have voiced prayers on her behalf. At present, she is the only candidate about whom we can make whole-hearted statements of support. She believes as we believe and serves the same Lord we serve.

Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele BachmannAlthough the secular media has taken some shots at her, the attacks have been relatively minor so far. In my opinion,

 the media will allow her to rise to the level of “darling” status among conservatives. Then, once she has become well known, and possibly even becomes the front runner, they will unleash a merciless campaign against her in an attempt to take the wind out of the conservative movement. I believe they are already privately relishing this opportunity.

Because Michele has been an outspoken Christian for many years and is on record having made many statements similar to my own on a variety of issues regarding the one-world movement, immorality in America, the future of Israel, and the need to stand firm for Christ, there will be much ammunition for the media. And believe me, they will use every bit of it against her. This is why it is so important that we undergird Michele and the entire Bachmann family with our most fervent prayers.

Pray that God would give her exceptional wisdom and eloquence to speak the truth, and His special strength to stand her ground under pressure. Also, pray for physical health, spiritual well-being and emotional stamina for Michele and her family during the difficult race ahead.

Regardless of whether Michele wins the presidency, she will have an opportunity to present her beliefs on the most pressing issues facing our nation. The media will no doubt attempt to get her to deny, or redefine, certain statements she has made in the past. However, if she remains courageous and says, “Yes, I did say that; this is what I and millions of other Americans believe, and here’s why…”, then her base of support will solidify around her. People will respect her integrity and admire her resolve. Even if she wouldn’t gain a majority of the vote, she could be like a Deborah for our time (see Judges 4 & 5) whom God uses to draw the line in the sand.

It is my prayer that our country will have a clear choice in the upcoming election and that God’s ways might be accepted, not rejected, by the American people.

Yes! Jesus is Coming! 

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